Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rear window

I like this clip because it is an establishing shot of what is currently/going to be showed in the movie. It shows the neighborhood around him, the people and what they are doing at that time. It shows them so if they appear later in the film you know who they are. The film overall was very good, i liked it alot. It may of been a little boring in the beginning, but it picked up later in the film. As it went on you started to understand what was happening and figure out that thorwald was the killer, jefferies just needed to turn him in and give evidence. At the end, thorwald goes to jail after pushing jefferies out of the window, but he lives. So overall i liked the whole plot and acting and everything about the film.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Audio levels

I realized after listening to the talking at different levels, its obviously  harder to hear. The first one was balanced, clear audio you could hear well. The second one was too loud, the sound was distorted and could not hear, and was hard to hear. The 3rd and final one was recorded too quietly which was very hard to understand because you could not hear anything. I learned that the higer the frequency the higher it will sound, the lower the frequency the lower it will sound. To fix loud audio or low audio all you have to do is adjust the sound frequency in sound option or settings in a program.