Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Rear window

I like this clip because it is an establishing shot of what is currently/going to be showed in the movie. It shows the neighborhood around him, the people and what they are doing at that time. It shows them so if they appear later in the film you know who they are. The film overall was very good, i liked it alot. It may of been a little boring in the beginning, but it picked up later in the film. As it went on you started to understand what was happening and figure out that thorwald was the killer, jefferies just needed to turn him in and give evidence. At the end, thorwald goes to jail after pushing jefferies out of the window, but he lives. So overall i liked the whole plot and acting and everything about the film.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Audio levels

I realized after listening to the talking at different levels, its obviously  harder to hear. The first one was balanced, clear audio you could hear well. The second one was too loud, the sound was distorted and could not hear, and was hard to hear. The 3rd and final one was recorded too quietly which was very hard to understand because you could not hear anything. I learned that the higer the frequency the higher it will sound, the lower the frequency the lower it will sound. To fix loud audio or low audio all you have to do is adjust the sound frequency in sound option or settings in a program.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Kuleshov effect

Kuleshov effect is a  mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation. It usually includes a motionless face reacting to different various shot that have things happening in them. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Who made Metropolis?

The movie "Metropolis" is a epic science fiction film directed and created by Fritz Lang.

We know he made it because it says his name in the opening credits of the film.

Why did Fritz Lang make metropolis? Fritz Lang said the idea of the movie was born as soon as he saw the first skyscrapers of New York City. He said that when he returned to Berlin after being on a trip in New York, him and his wife thought of a script and wrote it. They both imagined the idea of the idle class living in a subterranean city led by the daughter of the people, Maria in the film. Lang also made it for the people of the time period he was living in, which interested them greatly. Now, we may not find it as exciting for interesting because of all the newer modern movies that are filled with CGI and such, but back then it was amazing to the audience who watched it.

How do i know this? Fritz Lang had multiple interviews from different people, and people today have published those reviews so we can really know why on why he made the film himself, and also how he came up with the idea for such a movie.

Lang also made it for the people of the time period he was living in, which interested them greatly. Now, we may not find it as exciting for interesting because of all the newer modern movies that are filled with CGI and such, but back then it was amazing to the audience who watched it.

We know this because many people today do not find it as interesting as people back then which was in 1927.

The tradition is a Sci-Fi epic, and it happened to be the first of its time.  This movie also sparked ideas for all of the past and future Sci-Fi films that have came out, and will come out.

We know this is a Sci-Fi type film because the main city itself is the movie title Metropolis, which is a futuristic type city. Also it has alot more sci-fi movie elements in it as well like the robot.

This movie sparked ideas for all Sci-Fi movies including Star Wars, Star Trek, Avatar, all movies that have a Sci-Fi genre of some sort.

We know this because alot of movie now a days and past ones too have the same plot only a little bit diffrent, and the same elements included within the movies.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A New Interest Film Movie

The camera movements have numerous effects on the viewer. They want to be interested in the film itself, so a scene in a specific movie could use different angles, like the birds eye shot as people walk into a room for an interrogation. Then as they interrogate, multiple over the shoulder shots could be used while one person is talking, then the other so the feel of the people in the movie is there. Filmakers use camera angles to enhance the certain shot they want to do, and to make it better so the film will be even more interesting then it is, all because of a angle that made a entrance or exit look better in the film. in my opinion, i think we had a really good film. All of the angles were good like the birds eye view as me myself entered a door and walked down a short hallway. If we could complete the project again, i would add more chase into it, and not alot of sitting there doing talking and stuff. But overall, really liked filming it.